Enders Game Anticipation Guide.
"Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good."
I answered 4 out of 5, because i do not strongly agree, yet i do agree. Because in some situations you have to lie, for a good cause.
"Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem.."
I answered 1 out of 5, because i strongly disagree, i do not think that their is any kind of problem that must be solved with violence.
"It is okay to kill someone in self-defense."
I answered 2 out of 5, because i don't agree. I think that sometimes you will have to injure a person in self defense but killing them is a bit far. Maybe if they are trying to kill you then that's the only option...
"Words are stronger than fists."
I answered 3 out of 5, because i sort of agree. I think that sometimes words can hurt more than a punch in the face.
"Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem."
I answered 3 out of 5, because i somewhat agree.
"Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders."
I answered 1 out of 5 because i don't agree.
"Revenge is never justified."
I answered 2 out of 5, because i think that people have the right to get revenge.
"Crying is evidence of weakness."
I answered 1 out of 5. I strongly disagree with this statement. There is a famous quote "Crying doesn't mean your weak, it means you have been strong for too long."
"Any action is acceptable in war."
I answered 3 out of 5. I somewhat agree with this.
"Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves."
I answered 3 out of 5 because i think some teens do need discipline, but some need more than others. I think all teens need some rules though.
"Only though personal sacrifice can someone create positive change."
I answered 2 out of 5 because i don't really agree. I think nearly everyone has to make a small sacrifice in their life at some point though.
"Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace."
I answered 4 out of 5 because i do agree that if you are trying to create peace with a enemies that you are going to most likely have to generate compassion for them.