Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Enders Game Questions Chapters 1-5

Chapter 1|
1. I think that what motivated the adults to lie to Ender saying it wasn't going to hurt him because they thought he would get scared and nervous he knew it would hurt. He knows that they are lying though.

2. I think that Ender being born as a 'Third' child means that he is kind of like the runt of the children. I don't think it was a positive thing for Peter because Ender may get more attention because he is a 'Third' and that may make people pay more attention to Ender, which could make Peter left out. I think it is sort of deal with Valentine, she probably feel left out when Ender has the spotlight, but she loves him a lot so it probably wouldn't bug her as much as it would Peter. For his classmates, I don't think it would affect them to much.

Chapter 2
1. I think Peter was sort of joking. I think for a moment he meant it but when he had the chance to hurt him he didn't. He may have wanted to but he wouldn't have actually wanted to harm them.
2. I think that Peter's behavior changed by the end of the chapter is because he started to feel sorry for being mean to him.
3. I think Ender seems like a nice guy, to me it seems that if he needed to, he could turn into a violent guy though. Valentine, in my opinion, seems very sweet and loving, you could tell she cared about Ender a lot. Peter seemed like a rude person to me, it seemed like he was very jealous of Ender.

Chapter 3
1. I think that what Graff meant about evolution working against girls is he thinks girls aren't able to fight because they are too weak and caring so they wouldn't want to hurt anyone.
2. When Ender was leaving to learn how to fight a war, I think he grabbed Graff's hand because he was scared, he was only 6 years old.

Chapter 4
1. When Graff said that "Individual human beings are tools that the others use to help us all survive" I think Graff was saying that everyone depends everyone, people use other people to survive.
2. "Isolate him enough that he remains creative-otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll loss him." means that they want to isolate Ender from the other students so he won't become close friends with them because if he does he'll act more like them.
3. I do not think that Ender meant to break the kid's arm. I think he was trying to hurt the boy but not as bad as he did. I don't think he knew that he was even strong enough to do that.

Chapter 5 
1. Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in front of any other person. I don't think it is healthy to not show your feelings but for some people it may be a positive thing because if you are a emotional person you may get made fun of.
2. Ender made jokes about Bernard instead of using violence, I think Ender did this to so people wouldn't take Bernard serious.

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