Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ender's Game Questions Chapters 12-15

Chapter 12 - Bonzo
2. Stilson was the person who was mean to Ender, Ender ended up killing Stilson. Ender thought about Stilson when he was at the showers because it reminded him about the bullies from when he was on Earth.

3. Ender expects help from the teachers because he thinks that they wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt. He thinks they care about him.

4. I kind of expected that Stilson and Bonzo were dead, because it said the teachers were talking about a death at the Battle School.

5.  Ender was justified. No one told Ender about the deaths because they thought he would be like Peter if he knew. The teachers also thought Ender might kill them if they told him.

Chapter 13 – Valentine
1. “Perhaps it is impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.” I think this quote means that if you’re going to act like someone you’re not, at some point the personality you’re pretending to have will become the type of person you really are.

2. In some cases I think it’s a “good” instinct for humans to be killers. If something is trying to attack then your instinct is going to be to hurt it which is good because you’re just protecting yourself.

3. When Ender and Valentine were on the raft Ender talked about told her about how he felt used. They also talked to each other about the battle school.

4. Valentine’s conflicting thoughts about her brothers were how Peter calmed down and is turning into a better person, yet, Ender is turning into a more violent and dangerous person. 

5. Graff told Ender that the buggers were inevitable because their was already ships going to the bugger world and the ships were going to land soon.

Chapter 14 - Ender's Teacher
1. Ender is disturbed by Eros because it used to be where the buggers lived. He found out the truth about Eros by talking to Mazer.

2. Mazer was going to be the only teacher Ender ever had because he was the only who really taught him anything.

3. Mazer was dishonest because he didn't want Ender to know about him going to kill the buggers. I think it's a good thing Ender didn't know.

4. I think that they did push the children too far. I guess it was worth it though.

5. Genocide, or in this case of Ender's Game where an entire alien race is annihilated, exenocide was not justified. The buggers were going to leave them alone because they knew the humans had more power than them.

Chapter 15 - Speaker for the Dead
1.  Valentine said, “Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given to you by good people, by people who love you.” I think Ender would think this quote is true.

2. Ender listened to the evidence about Bonzo and Stilson's deaths. He felt guilt and didn't want to kill them. He reminded himself of Peter.

3. Valentine made sure Ender couldn't return to Earth because if he did, Peter would take control of him and that would be bad because Peter pretty much has taken over the world.

4. What's ironic about Valentines statement about Peter saving millions of lives is that Peter always acted as if he was a killer and now he's turned into the opposite of his personality.

The knowledge that Ender gained to enable him to write The Hive-Queen was from the buggers. The Queen told Ender that bugger's did not know that humans were smart, that's why they tried to kill them. They forgave them for killing them though.

Ender publishes the book using the pseudonym “Speaker for the Dead” instead of his own name because he wanted people to pay attention to the buggers story instead of the fact that he, Ender Wiggin, wrote it.

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